
Monday, March 28, 2011

Self grading tests with Google Forms, one more reason to use Google Docs!

I tweeted months ago, (October 2010 to be exact) "I am convinced that Google Apps will make the biggest splash in technology change in Education that we have seen since the Internet."  And this is one more reason I stand by that.  Scripts for Google Docs. Scripts can add a lot of custom functionality to Google Docs.

Take a look at Flubaroo  Watch the 3 minute video, and see how this free add-in script will turn your Google Form into a self-grading quiz that will even email students the results as well as breakdown class results and question scores for the teacher.

This is a great script that will be handy for teachers, as well as a good demo of the possibilities and power in Google Doc scripts.

Take a look at this tutorial using Google Apps Script. It will amaze you at what can be done:

Very few of us want to be "Coders", but learning a few basics will unleash a lot of power at our fingertips with Google Apps Script.

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