
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Miscellaneous Educational Resources 10-17-12

Miscellaneous Educational Resources

I send a lot of tech resources out to my staff on a regular basis, I post these on my blog as well.  Enjoy.

Some great web resources: 

Did you know we have some great technology eBooks already downloaded and ready for you?  They are on the O drive and are ready to load into your iBooks, Kendel, or any other device.  O:\eBooks -Free   Check them out! 

Some Google Resources: 

iPads, apps, iBooks and more IOS stuff: 
  • If you have never tried an iBook... then this should be your first one! 
  • This is a great iBook for staff (and students).  The Student Guide to iPads & iOS 6 -
  • Wanna see a really cool gadget for the iPhone or iPod Touch?  This would allow you to record lectures or make your own documentary without a cameraman.
  • I know educreations has an awesome iPad interactive whiteboard program ...  but there are a few others that may be worth checking out.  Hot off the Twitter feed from a classroom teacher I know ... Couldn't be more excited that ShowMe sent out an update to allow student accounts! Awesome news!  Checkout the ShowMe app here
  • I know I have mentioned this tool before... and Josh Murtaugh just gave a presentation on this in the MS, which generated a lot of interest (Thanks Josh!) but if you have not looked at this teaching tool for the iPad carts... now is the time.  It's Called Nearpod.  It allows you to lock your class of iPads into your lesson.  It tells you if students are on task and watching your lesson.   Check out nearpod now:  The basic version is free: 
  • This one is free for limited time, normally $4.99. If you use quizlet, it can pull right from your cards online, as do many apps. Check out A+ Flashcards for iPhone and iPad  (I know Janelle Coady had sent something out on this several weeks ago too, but it's worth mentioning again.  Especially if you use Quizlet, which is a great free site!) 

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