
Monday, October 29, 2012

Miscellaneous Educational Resources 10-29-12

Miscellaneous Educational Resources

I send a lot of tech resources out to my staff on a regular basis, I post these on my blog as well.  Enjoy.

Some nice Web Resources. 
ScribbleMaps lets you annotate and draw on top of Google maps:

Have your class create and publish their own online magazine with free Youblisher:

uSpeak HD - A Nice App for Learning Spanish

TOP 200 SPECIAL EDUCATION APPS  If you are Norris, this PDF document/eBook is on the O drive here: O:\eBooks -Free\iPad called "iPhone-iPad-and-iPod-touch-Apps-for-Special-Education.PDF"

Get a free copy of the children's iBook Wildwood by redeeming a code found at

Great video resource -  Crash Course World History now has 37 videos including videos on topics in U.S. History. As with any video resource -- PREVIEW these to make sure they are appropriate for your class and subject.  I always recommend using a YouTube Downloader to save the file for future use.  (I use the one from but read the prompts when you install it, or you will get an unwanted toolbar!)

Do you have an iPhone?? If so.. You need to check this out!  (Download from here:

IOS (iPad/iPhone) Apps

This looks like a great timer for the classroom, especially for the younger learners.
Stop Go! By Generate Learning  Description: A simple to use timer in the form of a traffic light. Set whether you want it to run red-amber-green or green-amber-red, set the times in minutes and seconds and then off it goes! A bell chimes as each light changes.

Great curriculum resource and eBook framework.
I know I have mentioned the ck12 organization before, but I wanted to give it another plug.  They have great free education resources that are standards-aligned and customizable. They offer great frameworks for developing your own eTextBook and more.  Here is what's new with them this month. 

Google Resources
Google Groups - Some great explanations and overviews:  Customized Google Groups an overview - Part 1

Uploading a folder to your Google Drive with Drag and Drop: 

Conditional formatting in Google spreadsheets is a great feature, if you have not checked it out... take look!   Here is Brent Catlett's (@catlett1) tutorial on it

Did you know that you can customize your theme in Gmail? It's nice to spice things up a bit every now and then -  

Uploading a folder to your Google Drive with Drag and Drop:

Google tip for the Day:

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