
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Miscellaneous Educational Resources 11-27-12

Free Holiday Christmas Album
Free Green Hill Christmas Music Sampler w/ 12 songs available today:  (From Amazon!) (Saves right to your Cloud storage.)

And for the younger kids ... Have you grabbed these free children's music samplers from Amazon? Lots of fun songs:

Some great web sites!
AMAZING site for math teachers K-12!  A+ Click Math Skills Tests : (Web site works great on iPads too!)

Use Z-Type to have your students practice keyboarding in a fun way:

For the music teachers out there.... iNudge is a fun little web-based application that allows users to experiment with sounds and

Some nice YouTube resources
Did you know that YouTube has editing tools??? Here's a Quick Start Guide for Using YouTube's Editing Tools

Simple way to search for, clean up, download you tube video:

Google+ resources  (Remember, we now have this for the Google Apps K-12!!)

Here's the Gooru's guide and how to start a Google+ hangout along with some cool features you can use in Hangouts.

Via Richard Byrne (@rmbyrne) ... This is the coolest use of Google+ that I've seen. Google+ Hangout Virtual Scavenger Hunt in the Palace of…

Want a "pick-me-up" for why I teach?
A wonderful video behind what teachers make every single day in the classroom!…

Google Chrome resources:

Realtime Board's Chrome App Makes Online Brainstorming Easier

A Chrome Fun Zone For Kids – Part 2

Miscellaneous resources

Top 11 apps for the Nexus 7: Fall 2012 edition
The iPad mini may have grabbed most of the 7-inch tablet headlines recently but Google's Nexus 7 is still going strong, and may be the best tablet yet for the money.  These apps will help owners get the most out of the Nexus 7. Read more

FREE iPad app/book from Don Tapscott (@dtapscott): New Solutions for a Connected Planet

Free iPad App -- Living Lung - A 3D Interactive Model of the Lungs

10 Google Search Tips All Students Can Use

iPad: Bringing the joy of reading back to those with vision problems
A new study investigating the use of electronic reading devices shows that using the iPad for reading brings the joy of that pastime back to those with vision loss due to disease. Read more

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