
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Make our students (and teachers) holiday wishes come true. We need your help!

Google recently opened up a grant program making Chromebooks available to teachers for the reduced price of $99. (These Samsung Chromebooks originally sold for $449.) Teachers were required to select their devices and prepare a grant proposal for funding.  Once selected, the proposal becomes available for public donation/funding.  Google selected the organization to administer the grant selection and funding process. As an added incentive, donations within the first seven days are doubled, so these projects become very affordable and make a huge impact within the classrooms. So early donations are actually purchasing a Chromebook for $50 for our students to use. In order to get matching funds you need to use the code INSPIRE.

Norris School District teachers were successful in having seven projects selected.  These projects are now available for pubic donations.  Once enough donations are received for a project, that project is then funded and becomes a reality for the teacher and students.  These donations are drastically subsidized by corporations as well as the foundation.  Donations are tax deducible and can be placed by a variety of means including credit card.

As the technology coordinator an Norris Schools, I am very proud of our staff taking the time and interest to submit these proposals for funding.  Our teachers responded swiftly to be fortunate enough to get their requests approved.  The grants were announced one day,

About Chromebooks:

Below is a listing of the Norris projects.  We would appreciate any support you can give to make these dreams for staff and students come true!

 We need your help, please donate! 

Cloud Learning with Chromebooks in Social Studies Project home (30 Chromebooks)Mr. Murtaugh's technology project at Norris Middle School in FirthNE 

Connecting with Chrome Project home  (30 Chromebooks)
Mrs. Coady's technology project at Norris High School in FirthNE  UPDATED 12-17-12 - No more donors needed- Project has been funded! 
Making Plants Come to Life Project home ( 20 Chromebooks) Donation matches up to Dec 20th! (Using the Inspire code.)
Ms. Harms's technology project at Norris High School in FirthNE  UPDATED 2-11-13 - No more donors needed- Project has been funded! 

Chrome Book Request Project home (30 Chromebooks)Donation matches up to Dec 20th! (Using the Inspire code.)

Mrs. Spilker's technology project at Norris Middle School in FirthNE  UPDATED 2-1-13 - Project expired without funding.
Modernizing Music Makes Musicians Merry (with Chromebooks) Project home (12 Chromebooks) Donation matches up to Dec 20th! (Using the Inspire code.)
Mr. Lee's technology project at Norris High School in FirthNE 
Chromebooks for Norris Middle School Band Program Project home (30 Chromebooks) Donation matches up to Dec 20th! (Using the Inspire code.)
Writing in the Real WorldProject home (30 Chromebooks)  Donation matches up to Dec 22nd! (Using the Inspire code.)
Mr. Cullison's technology project at Norris Middle School in FirthNE UPDATED 12-27-12 - No more donors needed- Project has been funded! 

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