
Monday, December 3, 2012

Miscellaneous Educational Resources 11-30-12

Some great Add-ins right in Google Apps. (For our Norris Google apps)
Have you used the Lucid Chart Diagramming tool? If not, it's an amazing add-in to our Google Apps. It's free to K-12 schools, and a great tool!  This quick 2 minute video explains the service.   Remember... use this from the drop down in our Google Apps at Norris. Do not go out and sign up for a free account, because you will miss out on the professional features that we have through our Google Apps. 

Slide Rocket - I know many of our Norris staff members are using this great product, but for those of you that want to try it out... Make sure you use it from the drop down in our Google Apps.  Similar to our Lucid Charts mentioned above, you will not want to sign up for a free account, or you will be missing out on the professional features that we have free  through our Google Apps. 

More free Christmas Music from Amazon?  YES...
Many of you probably already grabbed this one from my last email/posting: Green Hill Christmas Music Sampler
There is another one (only 4 songs, but still free!)  Here

Some great Web 2.0 tools and sites: 
6 Apps Students Can Use to Quickly Create Audio Recordings ~ A website that allow students to collaborate in real time with the use of sticky notes on a board.

Create Trading Cards for Historical and Fictional People, Places, and Events 

7 Resources for Teaching and Learning Anatomy and Physiology 

200+ Free Video Lessons, Apps, and eBooks for K-12  Richard Byre's Article  Actual web site

IOS (iPad and iPhone) apps and more. 

Free iOS apps today: Chemist for the iPad

30 Cool Educational iPad Apps for Science Lovers

Visual Anatomy - An App for Anatomy Students

10 Apps That Work Great With Evernote

Google tips and tricks: 
New search operators in Gmail! Check out the list and gurus guide to using them -

Now you can edit spreadsheets on the go with the Drive mobile app

Experience the Canadian Arctic through new panoramic Street View images of Cambridge Bay: More: 

 I have promoted these in the past.... and figured it was time once again to make sure you have seen this gems!  
Poll Everywhere  This is a great digital tool that allow teachers to create multiple choice or open-ended assessments or surveys. Students can use these assessments or surveys on their iPads, mobile phones, or the computer.
Today’s Meet ~ A backchannel website that helps you connect with students in real time. Can be used as a communication tool for collaboration, exit slips, assessing prior knowledge or understanding of lessons. (This was the tool I used on our first day tech presentation to staff.) 
Evernote  Evernote is a wonderful free app and website for students to be creative and stay organized. Evernote provides students with the opportunity to create a digital file of their notes, projects, assignments, and more.
Socrative  This fun assessment tool is a smart study response system that allows teachers to assess students in a creative way. A generated report is provided with student responses. (I know they have used this tool on our MS iPads!) 

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