
Monday, January 14, 2013

Free ebooks, IOS apps, great sites and more! My miscellaneous Educational Resources 1-14-2013

Google Doc's tools, tips and more.

This 3 minute video is worth the time!!!!  Keyboard shortcuts can save you TONS of time in Google Docs. Watch this video to see a few of my favorites. -

Need to mail merge in Google docs?  This video shows you how

10 Google Drive Tips & Tricks For Students (And I might add... Teachers!)

Google Chrome tools, tips and more.
Add an Image Dictionary to Chrome

Some Great Web tools and sites: 
Ten Things Schools and Teachers Can Do Free With (Great for texting groups of people, tailored for education! Similar to remind101 and others with a few nice features.

Infotopia--A Google Alternative Safe Search Engine for Students -

Via (@phillipshuskies)  a MS Math teacher ... I am a huge fan of the showme app, but this one #Ask3 could replace it! Amazing for math teachers! Couple downsides with the #ask3 app; you can't pull the videos or delete them off of the class page,… 

This is cool. A Number Factorization VIsualizer!! Watch it!! -->

Using Evernote? Going Paperless: Capturing Technology Setup Instructions in Evernote by @jamietr…

One more Goole search tipSize up the images you need with Google Images size filters

iPads, iTunes U, and more resources:
Great examples of iTunesU courses for Elem/MS along w/ spot-on article on teaching w/ iPads-

Getting the Most Out of iPads in the Classroom

Best Free Apps of the Day on 1/14. iFunFace, TinyList, Instalyrics, & More! - 2013-01-14  Did you miss out on these?  Subscribe to their daily email!

Gmail 101

Gmail 101 - a awesome tutorial! 

Free eBooks
Free iBook! iPads for Learning | @teachwatts 

Downloadable ebook - best web tools -…  (At Norris, we already have downloaded this one for you on the O drive under eBooks.)

iBooks Author:
Learn iBook Author - 26 short tutorial videos.

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