
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Free web storage, apps, amazing websites and more. -This weeks gems for EDU!

Free Cloud storage, and awesome app, form a top-notch company... BOX: 
Get your 50 gig of free online storage from a top-notch
Want 50GB Free storage? Box gives you just that with Version 3.0 of iOS App  Their new app is pretty awesome too!   IOS App or Android App  (Tip -- If you do not have an iPad, you could borrow someone's that has the new app installed, and log into your Box Account from that app... and BAM... you get your 50 Gig free.) If you do not have a Box account - Now is the time.

Great educational web sites and tools:

If you aren’t using Edmodo yet, what are you waiting for? Great resource outlining features and why you should be using this resource

Augment Reality: Ideas for Teaching in the 1 Tablet Classroom

15 places with fun and engaging social studies games
Websites to use for each level of Bloom's 

One for the K-8 teachers: Top Ten Websites of 2013 

Did you know that over 1200 courses are available through MOOCs? Learn more from this handy cheatsheet on MOOCs!

Make the web tell a story... with Storify  Collect media from across the web... Publish on Storify, embed anywhere... Share and notify sources. 

Digital Citizenship... STOPiT Class.  Some nice resources, and a great idea from Nebraska's GINW and Cozad Schools. 

Great free educational apps:
A simple app to share files from any device - Check out @get_flick

Here is the iMums list of free apps for today (1-21-14). Follow them daily, to find some great apps. (You can get a daily email as well.) <--- Sign up! 

Google Chrome:
Shut those noisy tabs up with Chrome's latest update.

And Chromeboook...
Chromebooks in Education - Awesome Resources! Mostly about Chromebook and Chrome, with some Android spice thrown in.

Google tools, tips and more: 

AWESOME update to Google Drive coming... Keep track of changes in Google Drive with new Activity Stream 

Google Improves Image Search Tools Menu via Free Technology for Teachers -

GE Teach Version 5 - A Good Resource for Teaching With Google Earth via Free Technology for ...

Using Google as a Timer - you can really do this!

Great tip for printing GoogleDocs with comments... Save/view as a html file. The comments are then placed as footnotes

Bring some amazing resources right into your classroom with Google Hangouts. 
How to Use Hangouts in the Classroom - EdTechReview™ 
More about the Google+ Connected classroom, with links to some sample hangouts that have already occurred. 
Google's Connected Classroom website.

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