
Thursday, December 19, 2019

💥 Tech items - Some Christmas tech goodies in this list. Just in time for the Holiday break!

 Wow... we hit the mother lode in this one! Some great K-12 resources in ...this weeks EdTech Awesomeness newsletter.  Notice how they use Google Slides for their newsletter. 
This one is a repeat - But we are starting to see more staff having these issues. JUST SAY NO to the Allow Show Notifications popup.  ---Are you getting annoying reminders in Windows 10 that look like spam? If so, you are allowing notifications from certain websites and they are popping up in Windows 10.  These can be bad... if you allow them from sites that are not that great.  In other words... the website can continue to spam you with notifications. 

Go into your Chrome settings here: (Paste this in your URL) --->   chrome://settings/content/notifications

Under your Allow - Remove most sites.  (You may still want a few from Google Drive, etc... but most should be removed.)  If you can not remove them via a 3-drop menu, then they are an app or extension you have installed. 

When you go to a website and it asks you this.... say no! 

New Feature in GSuite: Send emails as attachments in Gmail.  More info here. 

Better feedback with Google Classroom -reuse rubrics!
A Norris staff member was just telling me how they needed to add this feature to rubrics. Wll now you can! You can now reuse rubrics from any of your classes if you're in the beta program. (Which we are!)  
Pro tip: add other teachers to your classes to use their rubrics too. More info here

Teaching the 50 states... Free 50 States Digital Interactive Notebook on Google Slides  Remember to use the YouTube Tour the states song and video.  Your kids will remember the states and capitals for years! 

Virtual Field Trip Apps and Websites - These great games, apps, and websites can bring the places and experiences fostered by field trips into the classroom. While not an outright replacement, these field trip tools can offer inspiring and intriguing experiences for students. Checkout the list here.   (Remember - WE have a VR cart/set in the IS & MS, with another one coming to the HS via a foundation grant!) 

Well, I know we all worry about phishing email and being hacked... It could be worse: "Hackers Trick Venture Capital Firm Into Sending Them $1 Million" - There are probably more of these things happening than companies want to admit.  Article can be found here.  

20 sites for students with free time on their hands - Great list from Ditch That Textbook. 

20 end-of-semester video project ideas - Great list from Ditch That Textbook Some of their projects include Flipgride - WE LOVE FLIPGRID.!  Check out Catch the Flipgrid Fever! 30+ ways to use Flipgrid with your class for more resources.

Did you Know.... if you right click on a slide in Google Slides, you can copy it then go into a Google Doc and paste the slide as an image. This is handy when trying to create visuals and graphics inside of a Google Doc. (You can still Insert > Drawing to make visuals within Docs. using the drawing tools.) 

K-2 Creation Apps 
Collection of creation-based early learner (K-2) apps shared by teachers on Twitter. 

Google Sites as Digital Portfolios
I know we have several teachers already doing this... if not, here is a great how-to article to get you started. 

12 video tutorials, strategies and lesson ideas for educators from Ditch Channel.  

Another great tip from Tony Vincent   @tonyvincent

iMovie for iPhone and iPad has does have a green screen option. It's kind of hidden, so I hope this graphic helps you find it. 

Built in accessibility tools
Chromebooks and G Suite have accessibility tools built in, along with many apps and extensions. Learn about how educators use them and find training resources. More info here. 

Tell your story in Google Earth
New creation tools in Google Earth allow you to easily create and share maps and stories about our world with friends, students or coworkers that they can view anywhere on their phone, tablet or laptop. Better yet, you can invite others to collaborate and co-author custom projects with you. 

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