Just saw this on Twitter from a University of Nebraska - Tech Edge UNL @UNLTechEdge Twitter feed:
Tech will not replace teachers, but teachers who know how to use tech will replace those who don't
Don't be a paranoid Rob Lowe when it comes to tech!
Web sites and tech tools:
From our very own @CAHutzler
Test scores should never be a surprise." @coolcatteacher shares Formative Assessment tools - http://goo.gl/QS3By2 This is a great list!
Beyond the Chalkboard: 5 Apps That Will Change the Way Your Students Learn
12 Good Tools for Gathering Real-time Feedback from Students
Twitter - are you still on the fence?
Sorry... but if you want to keep up in education... I really think this is one of the best tools period. If you follow someone and they are tweeting all day about the hamburger they just ate at McDonalds.... you are following the wrong person! It's all about who you follow and the hashtags you follow. Check out my other blog posts that include some great Twitter resources.
Here are a few Hashtags to get you started. (You do not even need a Twitter account to look at a hashtag stream.)
How about Social Studies - #sschat
iPads - #ipaded
Norris Titans --- YES! #norristitans
The list goes on..... just Google educational Twitter Hashtags. (Note: Some are more active than others.)
As with everything... we must realize the professions we are in.... Rules for Tweeting Teachers - Thanks to @ryruhl for bringing this one to our attention.
Google Apps - Tips and Tricks.
Did you know that you can store a file in multiple folders in Google Drive? New Google Drive: Saving a Document in Multiple Folders (I had to recently do this, so I figured a post would be appropriate.)
Have students Create Collaborative Google Maps! Short 2 minute how-to video. Plot out a trip, points of interest, War plans, Historical sites.... you are only limited by your imagination!
Need to do a mail merge in Google Docs to create letters or labels? My tutorial doc should help!
7 Really Simple Tips To Manage Your Files And Folders On Google Drive http://goo.gl/ezcAIz
Five lesser-known Google Apps to make your digital life easier - I have not used Trends in a long time!
What's New in Google Apps Newsletter - January 2015 (See all of the changes and updates for January 2015)
10 Google Slides activities to add awesome to classes
Apps for the Classroom:
Three Fun and Free iPad Apps for Learning to Spell New Words - http://goo.gl/899lCc
Hide movie previews & cut the clutter on your Apple TV - Some Apple TV tips for the classroom. (Note for Norris teachers - Do not change your Apple TV name, since we have already named those according to your rooms and inventory.)
Home Streamer IOS app FREE today! Turn your device into a document camera for the classroom with this app. http://goo.gl/uAD8ot <---- Grab it while it's still free! (Updated - 2-9-15 - This app is no longer free.) There are several other IOS and Android apps for turning your device into a great doc camera for your classroom. This doc will help.
Some amazing creativity apps for your students - Grab these while you can!
Toontastic for iPad is free today- normally $9.99
Telestory is free today - normally $4.99 Write, direct, and star in your own TV show with TeleStory!
Check out their website for download links and intro videos. <---- Grab them while they are still free!
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